AdZ's training-center

Approved Training Center with French Employment Ministery #27250304825

Datadock, datadocké lien

We have designed a library of training courses for operators, executives working in the different departments, production, maintenance…
The support is diaporama, for a group it permits projection.

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Few examples of training courses:

Cold rolling principles

Back to basics

Cold rolling principles Cold rolling principles Cold rolling principles

Mill deformations

Mill housing deformation Mill housing deformation Mill housing deformation

Mill housing description

20Hi mill housing descrition 20Hi mill housing descrition 20Hi mill housing descrition

Approach to metalurgy

Stainless Steel

Approach to metallurgy Approach to metallurgy Approach to metallurgy

Taper(s) profile on 1st IMR

How to use taper on 1st IMR on 20Hi mill How to use taper on 1st IMR on 20Hi mill How to use taper on 1st IMR on 20Hi mill

Much other training courses available.

We design also specific ones (e.g., for silicon strips, bright annealed stainless, heringbones, coil collapsing, etc.)